Been saving milk caps for quite some time, OK who am I kidding, I've been saving everything that could possibly be art for many years. My studio is often called my junk room by my kids. Anyways one of my charm groups did a green exchange so I had to re-use and that I did. I took my milk caps/any kind of drink caps and put some pretty paper in the lids from all those catalogs I get. (Must say I loved the cool back drops in the Anthropologie catalog. I love everything in that catalog and now I'm storing the catalogs for collages! Same applies to the Sundance catalog, good collage material.) Anyways I sealed the circles with mod podge before I put them in there so the resin wouldn't bleed into them and then glued them in the lids.
I then laid in some plastic flowers I found in my "junk" room. I also did some with some glitzy stuff from an old costume jewelry bracelet that I had but forgot to take pics of those. Sorry I'm new at this.
Then I mixed the resin and should have mixed it even more cause some did not set up and stayed a little tacky. Anyways, just poured it in and placed my flower in the goop and let them sit up over night! Must say the milk caps are better for pendants because of the size. But I think they are fun and pretty and my girls are gathering junk from my room to make their own so I guess mom's "junk room has it's perks!
Altered T-shirts with my girls over the weekend-will post soon. We had so much fun. The salvation army store is our favorite now. That'll save me money over Abercrombie, hope it sticks!
Are you doing this in a "well-ventilated" room, or are you enjoying the high! _ Can't wait to see the tees!
Well ventilated-learned that from my first batch. I think I was high for 2 days. Guess it's good to read all the directions before jumping in!
Your studio sounds like mine.
I think I could create 24/7 for about 5 years and not use it all up.
Love the milk caps.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only person who packs it in. Sometimes I have to move things just to have a space to create. But I can almost always find some thing that will work for a project so it has it's perks too! Glad you like the milk caps!
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